Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I am very thankful for the smallest things in life.

I am very thankful for a car to drive, parents that are healthy and can provide for me, grandparents to look up to, a loving boyfriend by my side, friends who are the greatest and a roof over my head. I have been reading one of my friend's, Riley Holland's, blog lately. God has richly blessed her beyond measure. And as I had already known that her father had passed away at an earlier time, I never knew her story and memory of him. I have never heard her talk of her memory of him but I do not need to hear her speak of him to know that she really loved and cherished him. It reminds me not only how much I appreciate my father, but also how precious life really is and how I appreciate everything in it.

This past weekend, we went to the beach and I recollected why the beach is one of my favorite places on earth. It is simply amazing to me that God can create something that holds a huge body of water down to the earth. How is He that great!? I got to sit out on the beach one day while I was there from about 9 til 5:30. I just sat there. I thought about how awesome and beautiful it is that the tide comes in, and continues to come in. No matter what. Even if there isn't a boat. Even if the wind isn't blowing. It continues to come in.

This beautiful scenery reminded me of God's faithfulness to his children. He continues to provide. He continues to shower His blessings. No matter what. Even if we disobey. Even if we do not seek His presence as often as we should. His tide continues to roll in.

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." Colossians 3:15
Monday, April 4, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

We all have a variety of decisions to make everyday.

What to wear, based on the weather

What to eat, based on what we crave

What to do, based on what kind of mood we're in

This morning I picked out shorts, because it's warm outside. I curled my hair because I felt like it. I had to go to a meeting because I have a scholarship worth upholding. I went to class because I feel guilty if I don't go usually and I am blogging now because I feel like it.

Our decisions we make, make us who we are. As cliche as that sounds, it's very true. We chose to either get out of bed and go to work/school or we can sleep in and be lazy and non-productive. Either decision you chose, has an outcome. With your decision, comes consequences.

As human beings, we all want the easy way out. The easy way out is not always the right thing to do. And the right thing to do is not always the easiest either.

We all will do the easiest thing to avoid confrontation. We will lie to get ourselves out of situations, because it's easier to do that than to own up to it, right?

Even though we all do it, it doesn't make it right. Just a tip of the day. Next time you are going to lie your way out of something just so you don't have to feel remorseful, try going and different route and tell the truth! I guarantee you'll feel much better!

Thank you, to all of my readers! 1,300 views and counting!

Keep reading!! I love the support! :)
Friday, April 1, 2011

I Call That Real

Real Women vs. Skinny Sticks

Women were designed to have curves. Period. The End.

These women are REAL. And they work it!

Women like Kim Kardashian And Beyonce.

Not these women. Who starve themselves to look (what they call good) on the runway.

Sure, the wings are beautiful and the bathing suits and lingerie are gorgeous!

But girl, you need to eat!

If you can see the ribs, you need to eat some ribs!

Just sayin'.


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