Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grey's = LoVe

Certain people have certain obsessions.
Some are obsessed with Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, or the headlines of the news from day to day such as "Octo-mom" or "the swine flu".
For me, I get lost in something else. Something that goes along with basically what I hope to do for the rest of my life. There are thousands of people all around America that tune in to their favorite television shows on certain nights. My obsession just happens to be Grey's Anatomy. Thursday nights have never been better. At 8:00 I tune in to see what the latest gossip is at Seattle Grace. McSteamy and little Grey? Are they done or is this just a phase? How Derek (McDreamy) is going to do as the new Chief of Surgery. How Chang is doing with her new love life and how Alex is doing in Peds. & even though I have my doubts, I keep begging for Izzie back. She is my absolute favorite on Grey's and it really is not the same without her. Kathering Heigl is my absolute favorite actress. My life would simply not be complete without this show. Adair Moody and Shelby Valentine currently share the same obsession with me but I am for sure that I love the show the most. Meredith and Derek are the ultimate perfect couple. Nothing can break them apart and they are always there for each other to be honest and open. My favorite episode was the last one of last season when Derek proposed to her and lined the candles up and told her what their house was going to look like. Like a picture perfect romance. And you CAN have those! They DO exist!


So I have stated my obsession and will continue to express my feelings through blogs:)



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