Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can't Be Tamed to Speak Now

I can't decide who I like better. Both Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift are good role models for any age girl in the world. Miley has Hannah Montana and also starred in The Last Song. Taylor's new album, Speak Now, sold millions within the first week! Most celebrities would be against each other competitively but Taylor and Miley have a cute friendship! Both are beautiful and God has richly blessed them!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Far From Ordinary

Ordinary? No, I really don't think so.
Not a love this true.
Common destiny, we were meant to be, me and you.
Like a perfect scene from a movie screen,
We're a dream come true.
Suited perfectly, for eternity, me and you.

Everyday, well I need you even more,
And the nighttime too.
There's no way, I could ever let you go.
Even if I wanted to.

Everyday I live, try my best to give,
All I have to you.
Thank the stars above, that we share this love, me and you

Everyday, well I need you even more,
And the nighttime too.
There's no way, I could ever let you go.
Even if I wanted to.

Ordinary? No, I really don't think so.
Just a precious few
Ever make it last, are as lucky as
me and you.

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