Friday, January 21, 2011

Double Trouble

If you can’t already tell, I am beyond ready for the rest of my life. Talking about my future on my blog makes me very excited for everything God has in store for me. Getting my RN and getting a really good job in Huntsville, hopefully! And yes, getting married and having kids! Trust me, I will be extremely thankful for God granting me the wonderful pleasure of having kids. I want at least one of each, boy and girl. Although little boys are cute, I hope and pray that my first little one is precious little girl! Good gracious, are we in for it, Tysce Leverl.

If he is anything like Tysce, we are in for a ride!

We will have such a problem with those terrible terrible twos.
We will have to buy stock in Band-Aid.
His Papaw will teach him how to use a sling shot to break Mommy’s flower pots when he is 3.
He will go to his grandparents’ houses and come back spoiled rotten.
He will wear Vineyard Vines and Polo Ralph Lauren everyday to school.
He will have the best baseball glove and play catch with his Daddy until he is sick of it.
He’ll also come home everyday with mud stained khakis.
He will go to Kindergarten and cry for his Mommy!
He will be in a tree stand, with all of his Under Armour apparel, by the age of 5 if not before.
He’ll be very athletic and play point guard in basketball.
He will be very competitive.
He will hate shopping but never complain.
He will be so tiny but then hit a growth spurt when he hits his teens.
He will break every girl’s heart that he comes across until he finds the one to spend forever with!

If she is anything like me, we’re in for it.

Her “terrible’s” will be terrible three’s, instead of two’s.
She will sing really loud in church without even knowing the words. Just a solid tune.
She will have every Barbie doll and accessory known to Barbie World, but Mommy will probably have more fun with them than she will!
She will have a coordinating hair bow for all of her name brand outfits.
She will be hospitalized for every little reason imaginable.
She will be extremely tiny but the fastest one on the softball team.
She will have a feisty attitude.
She will go to Kindergarten and tell Mommy “There’s no crying in Kindergarten, Mom”.
She’ll teach herself how to ride a bike.
She will cut her hair at school by the first grade.
She will have two scars from surgical wounds by the time she’s six.
She will chase all of the boys on the playground, but never fall down because she won’t like mud.
She will be the shortest in her class for well, ever
She will get her heart broken and I will comfort her.
She will become a teenager and think I’m stupid and it will break my heart.
Then, I’ll call my Mom and apologize for everything, again


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