Where do I even begin? I love you. More than words can even express! Since Junior High, I always knew you were the one I wanted to be with. I kept wondering why no one even pared up to you. Not a lot of relationships can say that they have been in love for 6 years. I always had a feeling you would come back to me.
Thank you for every sweet little thing you do for me! Thank you for buying my food everywhere we go. Thank you for talking to me about our wedding and our kids all the time, it’s very sweet! Thank you for going to walmart with me, just because. I love you. Thank you for carpooling with me to school! Thank you for all the times you’ve put gas in my car. Thank you for everything you’ve ever bought me! Thank you for loving me! Thank you for being you!

Our first A-Day game together. 2009. We look so young.

Junior Prom. I had the best looking date! Thank you for not getting mad at me because I forgot our tickets to get in! It was pouring rain and I didn’t want to get my hair wet, but worst of all the tornado sirens were going off. Definitely one to remember!

Panama City, summer ‘09

Thank you for loving my weird moments. There’s no one I’d rather be weird with than you!

Thanks for supporting me through ALL of my many hairstyles the past 2 and ½ years. You liked it better the way it is now and you didn’t want to hurt my feelings and tell me. I love you.

The first time our parents let us drive down to the football game by ourselves! I fell asleep on the way and you missed a turn causing us to get lost. Then we actually ended up getting there quicker than if we had not gotten lost. It rained and rained the whole way down and I had on nike shorts and flip flops, which I took off because I was getting blisters. We were soaked, along with 93,128 people, walking in the stadium and then as soon as we walked in to sit down, the rain stopped. It didn’t rain the whole game long and turned off really hot. Then as soon as the game was over, it came pouring again. Coincidence? I think not.

Rockefeller Center! Thank you for going to New York City with me, even though we missed tons of food and family back in Alabama. Thank you for (what you thought would be suffering) sitting through The Rockettes in NYC. Thank you for getting up at 5 am with me to get a perfect spot for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I love you.

Panama City, Summer 2010. Thank you for taking me to the beach with your wonderful family.

You’re the best friend I could ever ask for. You know me through and through and you never once have tried to change anything about me. Thank you for that. I love you!

Senior Prom! Still the best looking date! Even though we got ready really early so Mom could take so many pictures, we still look good together!

Thank you for being so patient and sweet to me all the time. Thank you for understanding every little flaw about me. Thank you for ALWAYS being there to support me in anything and everything I do. You are the best other half I could have ever prayed for!

This is the first dance
But it won’t be the last
Timeless moments like this
They won’t ever be a thing of the past

This was one of the best weekends in Tuscaloosa! Roll Tide. I love you!

Our first snow together. We built our very first snowman ever!
After all, we haven’t gotten this much snow since ’92 and we were barely walking then. I love you so much, Tysce!
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