Sunday, January 16, 2011


I have always enjoyed writing. In high school, I loved when a teacher wanted you to just journal about your summer or write a page on something you read in class. I love writing. I can say whatever I want on paper and I guess that’s what I like most about this blog. It’s mine and no one else’s. No one can tell me what to write about and even though you could be doing it right now, I don’t have to hear anyone critique what I’m blogging. It’s all my own and no one can stop me.

After all, life isn’t about impressing people, how many pictures of you are on Facebook, or how many friends you make through high school.
It’s about the dreams you aspire to make real and the people who support you the whole way through. The ones that really care about you will always be there. They’ll be there on your wedding day. The best ones will be your bridesmaids! It has been very hard for me the past year to acknowledge things that were visibly there all along, yet I just chose not to see them. At times, I wish I had been more alert to the situations but then again, I made it through and I have a good name at the end of the day with nothing to worry about. I never have cared too much of people’s harsh opinions, however, I want people to realize that I am a good person.

There are reasons that people are in your life and why they leave your life. I just hope that if you are reading this, and you have a big group of friends, you don’t become too oblivious to the fact that people are and will be fake. You think you really know someone and you chose to believe that they are very sweet, innocently polite people. 78.5% aren’t. Your true friends will be there for you no matter what and the others, they were only a memory in a few of your high school pictures. Some only care about themselves, and at the end of the day, you were better off letting them go their own way. They were only your friend because you were in the same click or you just sat by them in class not even by choice. Not that everyone is fake, but reality is, life is hard and people are cruel. Might as well prepare for it early.


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